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PulseA pulse illustration to indicate arts and communication information.Arts, Communications, & Information Systems

Are you good with computers? Do you like to communicate things or tell a story?

Consider a career in Arts, Communications, and Information Systems?

"Think Different." Perhaps the most memorable slogan from one of the world's greatest companies, Apple. They not only revolutionized the personal computer but also helped change the way companies market themselves and created an entire graphic design industry.

The world of Arts, Communications, and Information Systems is about creativity, expression, story-telling, and communicating ideas, sights, sound, news, and products to different audiences.

Artists have been telling stories for centuries through the stage, through music, and through paintings. Today that includes not only television and radio, and the internet has given us Spotify, Netflix, and YouTube, all opening up new career opportunities.

The world of computers has revolutionized all industries. Whether in the classroom, in your homes, or in business, the demand for workers that create and support computers, networks, and computer programming continues to explode. 

Programming and Software Development
two people working on a computer

Computer programmers and software developers create the programs that we use every day, including video games, apps on our phones, and technology that connects our homes. The demand for workers with programming skills has never been greater and will continue as traditional industries like manufacturing and transportation move into the computerized and automated world.

Jobs in Demand:
  • App Developer
  • Computer Programmer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Video Game Designer
  • Web Developer

Pathways Wisconsin Logo

Next Ten Years
  • 17.2% Job Growth
  • 4,447 New Job Openings
  • Source: WORKnet Wisconsin
Annual Salary Range
Annual Salary Range
Experience Level Salary Range






Source: WORKnet Wisconsin
Information Support and Network Administration
woman in server room

Technology demands infrastructure and support to keep computers running. Whether large networks or data centers that need network administrators and cloud technicians or smaller businesses that need local computer and technical support, people with the skills to maintain computer systems are in high demand.

Jobs In Demand:
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Computer System Engineer
  • Computer User Support Specialist
  • Database Administrator
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Network Administrator

Pathways Wisconsin Logo

Next Ten Years
  • 11.2% Job Growth
  • 4,776 New Job Openings
  • Source: WORKnet Wisconsin
Annual Salary Range
Annual Salary Range
Experience Level Salary Range






Source: WORKnet Wisconsin
Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications

This career field includes performing as an actor in the theater or in a movie or commercial, or perhaps as a singer, musician, or dancer. Set designers, camera operators, and soundboard technicians work behind the scenes to make a performance successful. Artists, graphic designers, and photographers use their skills to create art we see in galleries, or for commercial use in advertising and marketing.

Jobs in Demand:
  • Actor
  • A/V Equipment Technician
  • Camera Operator
  • Dancer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Musician and Singer
  • Photographer
  • Reporter
  • Set Designer

Pathways Wisconsin Logo

Next Ten Years
  • 7.3% Job Growth
  • 2,921 New Job Openings
  • Source: WORKnet Wisconsin
Annual Salary Range
Annual Salary Range
Experience Level Salary Range






Source: WORKnet Wisconsin

Pathway Specific Courses

Course Number Course Name Department Pathway Prerequisite Suggested Grade Level(s)
792 *AP 2D Design Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Passing grade in Art Foundations and any two 2D courses. 11, 12
404 *AP Computer Science Principles Business Marketing & Information Technology Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Algebra 2 or Enriched Algebra 2 10, 11, 12
543 *BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (DC) Business Marketing & Information Technology Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
105 *CAPP BROADCAST JOURNALISM 1 English Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
113 *CAPP PRINT JOURNALISM 1 English Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
747 *CAPP ROCK HISTORY Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
726 *CAPP/AP MUSIC THEORY Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 11, 12
770 *Digital Illustration Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Passing grade in Art Foundations 10, 11, 12
680 *GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION 2 (DC) Technology & Engineering Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
675 *GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS 1 (DC) Technology & Engineering Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
741 *Orchestra Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
583 *SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS (DC) Business Marketing & Information Technology Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Previous Keyboarding class 9, 10, 11, 12
698-G *TA-GRAPHICS 3 Technology & Engineering Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Instructor approval. Passing grade in Graphics 1 and 2. 12
607 *TV-MEDIA PRODUCTION Technology & Engineering Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
597 *WEBPAGE DESIGN (DC) Business Marketing & Information Technology Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
782 3D Design 1 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems passing grade in Art Foundations 9, 10, 11, 12
784 3D Design 2 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Passing grade in Art Foundations and 3D Design 1 9, 10, 11, 12
161 ADVENTURE LITERATURE English Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 11, 12
763 ART FOUNDATIONS Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
736 BAND Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
106 BROADCAST JOURNALISM 2 English Arts, Communications, & Information Systems CAPP BROADCAST JOURNALISM 1 11, 12
781 CERAMICS 1 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems passing grade in Art Foundations 9, 10, 11, 12
783 CERAMICS 2 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Passing grade in Art Foundations and Ceramics 1 9, 10, 11, 12
711 CHOIR Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
779 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 11, 12
767 DRAWING 1 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems passing grade in Art Foundations 9, 10, 11, 12
769 DRAWING 2 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems passing grades Art Foundations and Drawing 1 9, 10, 11, 12
441 FASHION & TEXTILES 1 Family & Consumer Sciences Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12
158 FILM: Writing & Analysis English Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 11, 12
555 GAME DESIGN Business Marketing & Information Technology Arts, Communications, & Information Systems BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS 10, 11, 12
725 INTRO TO MUSIC THEORY Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
674 INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHIC DESIGN Technology & Engineering Arts, Communications, & Information Systems CAN'T already have taken Graphics 1-3 9, 10, 11, 12
745 JAZZ STUDIES 1 Music Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 10, 11, 12
771 PAINTING 1 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems passing grade in Art Foundations 9, 10, 11, 12
773 PAINTING 2 Art Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Passing grade in Art Foundations and Painting 1 9, 10, 11, 12
021 STAGECRAFT 2 Theatre Arts, Communications, & Information Systems Stagecraft 1 11, 12
691 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS Technology & Engineering Arts, Communications, & Information Systems 9, 10, 11, 12